As the most comprehensive approach to treating facial wrinkles and sagging due to aging, the facelift is done in a variety of complexities and ranges. Whether you are considering a minimally invasive procedure (often referred to as lunchtime lifts) or a more extensive surgery, the experts at Facial & Oral Surgery Institute can help. The primary goals of a facelift are the tightening of the underlying tissues, muscles, and re-draping the skin of the face. It is still considered the ultimate way to rejuvenate your face, correcting such issues as a double chin, midface sagging, jowls, and the marionette lines that surround the mouth as age progresses.
When should a facelift be considered?
- Do you show signs of facial aging but still have some remaining skin elasticity?
- Do you feel like facial aging and excess skin are becoming a social or career obstacle?
- Do you feel like your face does not reflect the youthfulness of your spirit or level of energy?
- Do you feel like time, sun exposure or gravity are making you look different and not much like yourself anymore?
If you answered yes to one or more of the above questions, then you could be a candidate for a rejuvenating facelift. Schedule a consultation with Facial and Oral Surgery Institute by clicking the Request Appointment button below or calling us today at 818-805-0557.